This filter combines BB9-2 black purification elements and PF-2 fluoride replacement filter to absolutely reduce harmful substances from the outdoor water source. ⭐Please note that TDS level does not fully indicate the quality of the water and our filters DOES NOT lower TDS value.⭐
BB9-2 filter is made from natural coconut activated carbon block to achieve high adsorption rate of chlorine and to ensure harmful substances will not leach back into water. PF-2 filter has been upgraded and now uses both granular activated carbon and activated alumina as filter media, which significantly improves the water taste.
We recommend you replace the BB9-2 filter every 6,000 gallons per pair and replace PF-2 every 1,000 gallons per pair, which will be different based on water conditions.
Not only do we firmly control the filter material but also adopt lead-free and BPA-free materials to produce the filter housing.
Compatible with Black Replacement Filters (BB9-2) & Fluoride Filter Combo Pack (PF-2). Interchangeable with Travel, Big, Royal, Imperial and Crown Series and Gravity filter system.